Dr.Arun Baby

Journey to Chathuragiri to find Siddha Mooligai

Dr.Arun Baby

At the top of Chathuragiri (April 12th, 2009)

Arun Baby

Korakkar Siddhar Cave of Chathuragiri

Dr.Arun Baby


Dr.Arun Baby

Vishnu Uppu collected from Rameshwaram Sea

Friday, August 24, 2018

Siddha medicine palkarai parpam

Siddha is a treasure of remedies in which various medicinal preparations are widely prepared from Plants, Metal & Minerals, Animals, Marine products. Majority of such formulation are used as internal medicines with negligible ill effect. Sea is the one of the richest natural sources.Marine products obtained from the sea have many therapeutic properties and hence they are used in Siddha since antiquity. Cypraea moneta commonly called as Cowrie( பலகரை))  is found in sea mainly in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Shells of Cowrie is subjected to Calcination process(புடம்) and made into Parpam. Palakarai Parpam (பலகரை பற்பம்) prepared as per the procedure mentioned in Siddha Formulary of India , Part I is used in the treatment of various ailments like Dysuria(நீர்கட்டு), Skin diseases(குட்டம்)Poison(விடம்),etc.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Role of Edible fruits in siddha system of medicine

Edible fruits play a significant role in nutrient supplementary diet as well as in herbal medicine. They are the rich sources of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, fibers and antioxidants which provide various health benefits. In Siddha medicines, numerous kinds of edible fruits are used as medicines for various health disorders. Some of the main fruits and their therapeutic actions are given below.

• Punica granatum L.   (Tamil : Mathulam pazham)
Major Therapeutic uses: Consumption of Mathulam Fruit along with seeds is beneficial in the management of Gynaecological disorders, Anaemia, Oligospermia, spermatorrhoea, vomiting and upper gastrointestinal disorders. It should be taken before food for the betterment of health.

• Annona squamosa L. (Tamil : Seetha pazham)
Major Therapeutic uses: It has coolant action; can be used for the reduction of the hot potency of drugs.

• Limonia acidissima L. (Tamil : Vilam pazham)
Major Therapeutic uses: Vilam pazham is useful in the treatment of Azhal noigal, Cough, emaciation and hiccough. Moreover, it is highly nutritious and increases the appetite. It can be taken before and after food.

• Ziziphus mauritiana Lam (Tamil : Elandhai)
Major Therapeutic uses: Consumption of Elandhai Fruit is beneficial in the management of Azhal noigal, Vomitting, anorexia and indigestion. Eating of this fruit in the empty stomach can cause the burning sensation in the chest. Hence it should be taken after food only.

• Emblica officinalis L. (Tamil: Nellikkai)
Major Therapeutic uses: Nellikkani is one of the rejuvenating agents, it should be taken before food. Consumption of Nellikkai is beneficial in the management of Azhal noigal, Burning micturition, constipation, vomiting, anorexia, etc.

• Syzigium cumini (L.) Skeels (Tamil: Naaval)
Major Therapeutic uses: Naaval pazham has haematinic and tonic action. It is useful in the management of ployurea, polydipsia and Anaemia.

NB: The post is for information purpose only. Kindly consult a Siddha Physician for more details.

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Second siddha day - Dec 26

Celebration of Second Siddha Day to be celebrated on 26th December 2018 - Brainstorming Meet :
The Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India has accorded approval for observing the birthday of Siddhar Agasthiyar as “Siddha Day" every year. Siddhar Agasthiyar’s birthday falls on Star Ayilyam in the Tamil month Margazhi so the “Second Siddha Day” will be observed on 26 December, 2018.
The first Brainstorming meet for the Celebration of Second Siddha Day was held on 17 August, 2018 at National Institute of Siddha and the meeting was chaired by Shri.P.N.Ranjit Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.
Dr.N.J.Muthukumar, Director General, Central Council for Research in Siddha welcomed Shri.P.N.Ranjit Kumar, Joint Secretary, Ministry of AYUSH, and other dignitaries. Shri.P.N.Ranjit Kumar briefed about the objectives of Celebration of Siddha Day by the Ministry of AYUSH.. He informed that the general public are made to focus and realize the benefits and importance of Siddha system of Medicine on that day and spread this message across the Country. On the other hand, the efforts that are needed to take the Siddha system forward by the practitioners and all stake holders concerned.
Dr.N.J.Muthukumar presented the programme details of the Celebration of the Second Siddha Day in a grand manner, wherein useful suggestions were put forth by all the members. The meeting was ended by the vote thanks by Prof.Dr.V.Banumathi, Director, National Institute of Siddha, In this meeting Prof.Dr.K.Kanagavalli, Principal, GSMC, Chennai, Prof.Dr.R.Neelavathy, Principal, GSMC, Palayamkottai, Prof.Dr.K.Manickavasakam, Former Director, NIS and Dr.S.Mathukumar, Principal, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College, Chennai, Dr.Saravakumaran, Reader, Velumayilu Mayilu Siddha Institute of Siddha. Chennai were attended and presented their inputs for the Grand success of the Siddha day.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Patru maruthuvam in siddha

சித்தர்களின் பற்று மருத்துவம்

Patru is one of the external therapies for instant remedy in treating headache, jaundice, sunstroke, abscess, fistula, hemorrhoids, chronic wounds, carbuncles, tumour, filarial swelling and lymphadenitis as explained by Therayar in his "Tharu"

Patru is called as a poultice, which is soft and moist in nature. It is widely used to treat muscular sprain, arthritis, few surgical conditions, haemorrhoids, swellings and abscesses.

The semisolid paste is obtained from plant extracts or by grinding crude raw drugs is gently heated and applied as a thick paste over the affected region.

According to Therayar Patru is a metod of applying fine powder or crude drugs grinded with an appropriate liquid as a semi solid poultice and warmed gently or boiled before applying it on the affected area.

It is defined as one of a heat therapy by Therayar. It is generally used in the diseased conditions like swellings and abscesses.

Eventhough Patru is not practiced under heat therapy, it is mandatory to warm the Patru before application for good prognosis.

Patru is similar as
Dermal Batch, Dermal Paste,Supra Dermal Pack, Topical application and Topical cataplasm.

Scientifically Patru therapy  Cleans the surface impurities, Protects the topical skin from toxins, Removes the dead cells, Improves the nourishment to the adjacent cells, Posessess emollient, anti-microbial, anti-allergic, antiseptic, analgesic and anti inflammatory activities, Increases the peripheral circulation and healing process, Acts as chemical cautery to open and drain the abscesses, Stimulates the lymphatic system by comprehensive cleansing etc.

Monday, August 13, 2018

NIS entered into MoU with V. S Clinical Research Hospital private Limited

National Institute of Siddha entered into MoU with V S Clinical Research and Hospital Pvt.Ltd., Ticel park on 10-8-2018.

Prof.Dr.V.Banumathi, Director NIS and Dr. L. Lokaranjan., Chairman & Managing Director, V S Clinical Research & Hospital Pvt Ltd signed on behalf of the respective Institutions and exchanged MoU in presence of all HODs, DD(A), SRO and DMS.

The scope of MoU is to undertake collaborative research work, preclinical qualitative and qualitative analysis of Siddha formulations for Research works for PG students, Faculty members.

Friday, August 10, 2018


This #NationalDewormingDay, let’s raise awareness towards safeguarding the future of children and help them grow into healthy and confident individuals. Ensure  all children aged 1-19 years were dewormed.

This #NationalDewormingDay, deworm your child and protect them from Intestinal Worms known as Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH).

National Deworming Day is an initiative to make every child in the country worm free.

10 Siddha Herbs for Worm Infestation..
குடற்புழுவுக்கு பத்து சித்த மூலிகைகள்

1.Solanum torvum (சுண்டை)
2.Sesbania grandiflora (அகத்தி)
3.Memordica charantia ( பாகல்)
4.Gisekia pharnaceoides (மணலி கீரை)
5.Azadiracta indica (வேப்பிலை )
6.Vernonea anthalmentica ( காட்டுச்சீரகம்)
7.Emblica ribes (வாய்விடங்கம்)
8.Butea monosperma ( முருக்கன் விதை)
9.Juglans regia (அக்ரோட்டு)
10.Sapindus trifoliatus (மணில் புங்கு)

* தகவலுக்காக மட்டுமே
# For more details please Contact registered Siddha medical practitioners



To rejuvenate the medical system of the most ancient civilization and most ancient language of the indian subcontinent in God's own counry which originated from the Kamandalu(Sacret pot) of Agasthiyar who lived in Agasthiyarkudam and attained Samadhi in Ananthasayanam (Thiruvananathapuram)

Siddha Medicine - A gift for the human being from Siddhars !

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